About Me

Hi, I am Stijn and this is my blog

Photo of Stijn de Witt

On this blog I like to write about things that interest me, or about the problems I encounter and the solutions I found for them. I hope to occasionally get some guest blogger crazy enough to write a post on my site as well. This is my personal blog so the usual disclaimers apply.

I am in my early fourties and have been working as a computer programmer for two decades. During my studies I specialized in graphics / image processing and OO languages / component based development (ActiveX / COM/DCOM at the time). During my later career I focused mainly on web development, both server-side (Java mostly) as well as client-side (html / css / Javascript). Lately I have been focused on cloud architecture and I am experimenting with machine learning. I am sharing the tips and tricks I learn on this site. Along with some random ramblings 🙂

I am hoping you find something of interest here. If you do, you would make me really happy if you leave a comment on my site. Getting positive feedback from the community is heartwarming and one of the reasons I like blogging. Of course if you think me or my blog stink, you can leave a comment as well, but it will make me much less happy 😉

I am self-employed and always looking for interesting projects, so if you would like to exchange ideas about something, please contact me.

Looking forward to hear from you,



  1. Hi Stijn de Witt’s.
    Couple months ago, you have comment about how MD5 is being vulnerable for Enterprise Web. I learn a lot from reading your comments, however, I try to implement SHA-256 digest algorithm and it does not seem to work. So I have SHA-256 in the digest field inside Glassfish v3.0.1 b22. I write a simple Java code to print out a password field using SHA-256. I paste that hashed password into the password field inside the database. But it not working. I notice that for the same string, every time I generated the hash, I got a new hash. Is that right? Below is how I hash

    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(“SHA-256”);
    String text = “admin”;
    byte[] digest = md.digest();

    Here is the link of the Blog that you commented. I appreciate very much if you can point me to the right direction. Thank you so much for your time

  2. Hi Thang,

    It should definitely not come out different each time. I think you are not using the MessageDigest correctly. Looking at this page it seems you may have to call reset() on the new MessageDigest before using it. It probably got some random salt when you created it, which would explain the result being different each time.

    Let me know if it worked for you.


  3. Sir, I have a question on one of your works on GitHub which is a simple web scanner implemented by python. opendoor application.
    After i perform my scan i.e. opendoor –host http://www.example.com
    i get tons and tons of results in which a table appears at last showing the no.of forbidden links found etc.
    Now my question is that how do i find that one forbidden link among the tons of results?

  4. Hi, sorry for the late response. I don’t have a project on Github made in Python, sorry. I mostly code in Java and javascript.

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